Timothy Pyrkov V.
Scientific grade: Ph.D.
Personal information: born in 1982.
Contact info: e-mail: pyrkov@nmr.ru, tim.pyrkov@gmail.com.
1999–2005: M.Sc. Degree in Applied Physics & Mathematics awarded by Department of Molecular and Biology Physics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).
1989–1999: Physico-Mathematical School 5, Dolgoprudny.
Field of scientific interest: Simulations of biomolecular systems. At present engaged with scoring of protein-ligand docking solutions and theoretical model of proteins.
Studied objects: protein–ligand interactions, integral membrane proteins.
Computer skills: Programming: C/C++ under Windows and Linux. Molecular modeling software: InsightII, Sybyl, Pymol, VMD, FlexX, Dock, GOLD, GROMACS, and other.
Foreign language: fluent English, basic Spanish.