Polyansky Anton A.
Scientific grade: Ph. D.
Status: Scientist.
Personal information: Birth date & place: 30 august 1981, Korolyov, Russia.
Contact info: Tel.: +7 903 6297935. e-mail: newant@nmr.ru, newant@mail.ru.
20032006: Ph. D. student at Dept. of Bioengineering, Faculty of Biological Sciences, M.V. Lomonosov State University (Moscow).
2006: Ph. D. degree in Physics & Mathematics (candidate in physical and mathematical sciences), awarded by the M.V. Lomonosov State University (Moscow); Specialization: Biophysics.
Thesis: Molecular modeling of peptides in membranes: from understanding the mechanism of binding with the bilayer to direct modification of activity (download thesis in russian).
19982003: Graduate student (with honours) Dept. of Biophysics, Faculty of Biological Sciences M.V. Lomonosov State University (Moscow).
Diploma project: Influence of Single-Point Mutations on Proteins Thermostability (download diploma text in russian).
Field of scientific interest: protein physics, structural and dynamics organization of membranes, protein-membrane interactions, membrane active peptides, molecular simulations, mechanisms of selective binding ligands to receptors, drug design.
Research skills: Computer simulations of proteins and peptides in explicit solvents and full-atomic membrane systems (molecular dynamics, energy minimization, etc.); ligands docking into active sites of receptors; homology and structural alignment methods for proteins sequences investigation (standalone and Internet resources); scientific programming; statistic data analysis.
Computer skills: Programming: Delphi, VB, AWK, Unix Shell, MATLAB. Platforms: DOS / Windows / Linux / IRIX. Molecular modeling software: InsightII/Discover/Homology/DelPhi, SYBYL, GROMACS, MolMol, VMD, PyMol, etc. Software toolkit: MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, MATLAB, MathCad Surfer, Grace, etc.
Foreign language: English (written and spoken) fluent.
Publications: 6 articles in international scientific journals, more than 10 abstracts published (see detail).
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