Vereshaga Yana A.
Scientific grade: Ph.D.
Status: Scientist; Postdoc position, Center Biomembrane Research, Stockholm University.
Personal information: born at November 5th 1978 in Sarov, Russia.
Contact info: Address–1: Molecular Modeling group, Laboratory of Structural Biology, Shemyakin &Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, 117997 GSP, Russia, Moscow V-437, Ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 16/10. Tel.: +7(495)3362000.
Address–2: Dept. Biochemistry & Biophysics Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm. Tel.: +46 8 164675. e-mail: vereshchaga@gmail.com.
Education: 20022005: Ph.D. student at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Shemyakin Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry.
Thesis: Modeling of helix-helix interactions by Monte Carlo method in biomembranes.
2005: Ph.D. degree in Physics & Mathematics (candidate in physical and mathematical sciences). Specialization: Biophysics.
19962002: Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University), Master of Sciences, degree in Applied Mathematics and Physics.
Field of scientific interest: How global/local conformational changes in membrane proteins happen? How to drive this process? How to describe it energetically? Helix-helix interactions: Reseptors Tyrosine Kinase, BNIP3 and GpA etc. Simulations (Monte Carlo, Molecular dynamics), models of cell"s membrane.
Computer skills: Programming: C/C++, AWK, UNIX shells Platforms: DOS, WINDOWS, UNIX, SOLARIS, IRIX. Software toolkit: MathLab, MathCad, Maple. Molecular modeling software: InsightII/Discover, FANTOM, PyMol, MOLMOL and others.
Foreign language: High level of both spoken and written English.
Additional information: Second adult class of Sport Gymnastics; B class of ball room. I used to dance professionally in the theater of modern choreography.
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