Chugunov Anton O.
Scientific grade: Ph.D.
Status: Scientist.
Personal information: Birth date & place: 14 November 1981, Moscow, Russia.
Contact info: Tel.: +7 910 4169867. e-mail: batch2k@yandex.ru.
20032006: Ph.D. student at department of Bioengineering, Biological Faculty of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow).
Thesis: Novel approaches to molecular modeling of transmembrane domains of GPCR-receptors (download abstract of the thesis or its full text in russian).
19982003: Student at department of biophysics, Biological Faculty of Moscow State University. Diploma project (with honors): Molecular modeling of human MT1 and MT2 melatonin receptors (download text in russian).
Field of scientific interest: Spatial organization of transmembrane proteins, Conformation of peptides and proteins, Molecular dynamics, Global optimization of protein conformations, Molecular modeling of G-protein coupled receptors.
Computer skills: Programming: C/C++, Basic/Visual Basic, Pascal/Delphi, scripting (UNIX shell and windows scripting host), HTML/CSS/XML/PHP. Platforms: DOS, All Windows versions, Linux/IRIX/Sun OS. Software toolkit: MathCad, MatLab, Origin. Molecular modeling software: InsightII (Discover, Homology), Sybyl, HyperChem, Fantom, Modeller, Gromacs, Gold, Molmol, Pymol, Q.
Foreign language: English (fluent).