Syrtsev Nikolay P.
Status: post-graduate student.
Personal information: born 25 November 1978, Trekhgorny, Russia.
Contact info: Address: 19/3 Moskvorechye St., Moscow, 115522. Tel.: 3362000. e-mail: kol_sv@mail.ru.
Education: 2002-present: PhD student at the Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute and M.M. Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry.
1999-2002: Student of department of solid state physics, Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute.
Field of scientific interest: Structure and dynamics of membrane-protein interactions. Membrane models molecular dynamics simulations.
Computer skills: Programming: C, Assembler, awk, Unix shells. Platforms: DOS, Windows, Unix, Irix. Molecular modeling software: InsightII, Molmol, Gromacs.
Foreign language: technical English.