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Kosinsky Yuri A.

Scientific grade: Ph. D.
Status: Scientist.
Personal information: Birth date & place: 1 August 1973, Moscow, Russia.
Contact info:
Tel.: +7(495)3362000.
e-mail: ykos@nmr.ru.

2006: Ph. D. degree in Physics & Mathematics (candidate in physical and mathematical sciences), Specialization: Biophysics.
   Thesis: „Molecular modeling of structural and functional aspects of P-type ATPases interactions with ATP“.
1996—1999: Post-graduate education at Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry.
   Thesis: „NMR and molecular simulation analysis of neurotoxin-II“.

1990—1996: Student of department of cybernetics, Medico-Biological Faculty of Russian Medical University. Master of science degree in biophysic, judged for the thesis entitled „Analysis of cofactors microenvironment in proteins“ (1996).

Employment history:
1999—present: The minor researcher in the Molecular Simulation Group of NMR laboratory of Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Field of scientific interest: conformation of peptides and proteins, molecular dynamics, electrostatic interactions in proteins, ligand docking and binding energy estimation, polypeptide toxins, proteins structure-function relationships.
Studied objects: neurotoxins, fusion peptides, nonspecific acid phosphatase, P-type ATPases.
Computer skills:
   Programming: C, Delphi, UNIX shell.
   Platforms: All Windows versions, Linux/IRIX/Sun OS.
   Molecular modeling software: DOCK, GROMACS, INSIGHT II, MOLMOL.

Foreign language: English.
Publications: Coauthor of 7 articles in international scientific journals (see details).

Address: 117997 Russia, Moscow, ul. Miklukho-Maklaya 16/10.
Tel.: +7 (495) 336-20-00.
Email: efremov@nmr.ru

© 2003–2007
