Simakov Nikolai
Status: student.
Personal information: born at 25 September 1981, Moscow, Russia.
Contact info: Tel.: +7(095)3362000. e-mail: simakov@nmr.ru, nick@centro.ru.
Education: 1998-2002: Moscow Institute of Phisics and Technology,Faculty of Molecular and Biological Physics.
2002: Bacelor of Applied Mathimatics and Physics. Thesis: Development methods of computer modeling chromosomes interaction.
2002-present: Moscow Institute of Phisics and Technology,Faculty of Molecular and Biological Physics.
Employment history: 2002-2003: The minor researcher in Laboratory of Mathematical Biophysics, Institute of BioChemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences.
2003-present: student at the Molecular Simulation Group of NMR laboratory of Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Field of scientific interest: Computer simulations (molecular dynamics) of large molecular systems (peptides + membrane).
Studied objects: fusion peptides.
Computer skills: Programming: C, c++, mfs, Delphi, UNIX shell, Visual Basic, VBA. Platforms: All Windows versions, Linux/IRIX/Sun OS. Software toolkit: Grace,Oriegin, Maple, MathCAD, Excel. Molecular modeling software: GROMACS, INSIGHT II, VMD.
Foreign language: English.