Volynski Pavel E.
Scientific grade: Ph. D.
Status: scientist.
Personal information: Birth date & place: 19 November 1974, Zhukov, Kaluga region, Russia.
Contact info: Adress: Build. 4, Apt. 19, Staroslobodsky per., Moscow, Russia. Tel.: +7(495)2649077, +7 916 7968435. e-mail: pashuk@nmr.ru.
19972000: Post-graduate education: Moscow Institute of Phisics and Technology; M.M. Shemyakin Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences.
2000: Ph.D. degree in Physics & Mathematics (candidate in physical and mathematical sciences), Specialization: Biophysics.
Thesis: Theoretical investigation of proteinmembrane interaction, using solvation model imitate the influence of a lipid bilayer.
19911997: Moscow Institute of Phisics and Technology, Department of Phisical-Chemical Biology.
1997: Master of Sciences degree in Applied Mathimatics and Physics.
Diploma Project: Molecular hydrophobic potential as the criteria of quality of protein spatial structure.
Appointments and positions:
2001-present: Researcher at M.M. Shemyakin & Yu.A. Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of NMR, Ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 16/10, Moscow V-437, 117871 GSP, Russia.
Research skills: Computer simulations (molecular mechanics / dynamics, Monte Carlo) of large molecular systems, especially proteins. Scientific programming and data analysis, including numerical analysis, statistical data analysis, digital signal processing.
Computer skills: Programming: C, Fortran, awk, and UNIX shells. Platforms: DOS, WINDOWS, UNIX, SOLARIS, IRIX. Molecular modeling software: InsightII/Discover/Homology/DelPhi,CHARMM, SYBYL, FANTOM, Modeller, GROMACS, RasMol, MOLMOL and others.
Foreign language: English, fluent.
Publications: Coauthor of 18 articles in international scientific journals (see list). More than 40 abstracts published.
Additional information: See my webpage at NMR website.